Our ethos is that we help people out.


Thank you for finding fourteen.

fourteen (law firm) is a regulated and authorised solicitor practice.

Need Help?

Let us try to make it easier for you. Our legal advice and assistance is well experienced and very personable.

It might be helpful to every kind of person in every walk of life. 

If you think you might need legal help, our wide experience might just help you out.

Our Services page gives some examples of how we can and do help in many situations.

Who we are

fourteen is the law firm of Nathan Roughton (Senior solicitor).

Now proud to be fully based in Saltburn, the idea is always to help wherever possible.

Over two decades, Nathan has won millions in compensation for clients and advised in many different scenarios of work and private life.

Nathan is (independently) considered to be an expert in alternative ways to resolve disputes (ADR); helping people find remedies or relief and without the stress of attending Court.


What is your own story? Click on the Contact page to access our free advice service (without being a client).

Home visits are part of our service to clients.




Amazing clients we are proud to have helped & our insights to help others

Our view is that civil (and sometimes family) justice is practical.

Seeing a wrong. Putting it right. Making sure there is a fair outcome.

Our advice is expert in cases for damages (high awards of compensation) & just satisfaction (when available).

At work, at home, private matters and public matters.

We know how bringing individual legal cases can generate change for everyone’s benefit.

Systems do fail people. They can be changed. Wrong decisions can be reversed. Authority can be persuaded to change and reform. Bullies and harassment can be held accountable and stopped.

This is good law in action.

We are able to handle every case to the same high standard, up to the most difficult and unusual civil cases.

Your rights as an individual or a family or as a group.

Good lawyers can make a difference.

  • Final statutory rights ‘wins’ [via judicial review] for grieving mum against “cold-hearted” Ministry of Justice, who bullied her & broke the law (for over 2 years) until shortly before she passed away.

  • Equal rights ‘wins’ [via judicial review] for separate parents who are each entitled to respect & an individual fair and open’ voice in their child’s education, where ‘children live and move between two homes’, against ‘discriminatory’ local council, who conceded they had not cared (about this child welfare issue).

  • High Court [Human rights] ‘win’ in memory of young soldier needs over a decade of legal battles* [and public inquiry criticism] against the Ministry of Defence, who had failed to provide adequate training in a rush into conflict (so as reduce the risk of ‘friendly fire’ incidents which had long been of serious concern to the Armed Forces & particularly when its members serve in war).

  • High Court [Human rights] ‘win’ for family victims of mental health tragedy in private healthcare**, where basic systems failed them all (repeatedly), so as to fatally interfere with the right to life and respect for family life of the bereaved victims.

  • High Court [Inheritance Act] ‘win’ for “loved” sole carer of elderly gentleman, who was “bullied and harassed”, before being forced from the home they shared & at risk of being left homeless (at Christmas) by the Estate representatives.

  • fourteen has an [ever developing] interest in protection of the rights of every child, protection of the rights of every person [to live freely] in their private family life and home and protection of the environment which we all share.

  • * This successful ‘test case’* had “far reaching consequences”*** & changed the law for all members of HM Armed forces [where The Supreme Court set out principles to allow human rights cases for death or injury in conflict in certain circumstances]

  • ** This successful ‘test case’ (won on behalf of a brave solo parent & her infant son by fourteen) changed private healthcare provided by Serco (nationally in public institutions) and under service level agreements with HM Government, who promised in future to ensure minimum system standards [which protected the human rights to life & respect for family life].

  • *** This successful ‘test case’ (won on behalf of the brave mum of a soldier by fourteen) was relied upon through the stages of enactment of The Overseas Operations (Service Personnel & Veterans Act -April 2021) where serious concerns were raised about key provisions (in line with calls made by The Law Society & in The House of Lords). Amendments & removals before the Act became law, included removal of the draft requirement on the Secretary of State to consider derogation (i.e. HM government could not & would not be held accountable****) from the rights protecting all members of the Armed Forces (ECHR), ahead of military operations abroad.

  • ****Accountability under the rule of law [i.e. certain training and/or equipment failings before combat] had been (and remains) allowed by The Supreme Court’s majority judgement* [i.e. outside of legal immunity for death or injury in combat].

What people are saying.

“I highly recommend Nathan” 

— Lord (John) Hendy KC (Old Square Chambers) London

Lord (John) Hendy KC

“Always happy to work with Nathan”

— Julia Salasky (CEO) The Justice Platform Ltd

Crowd Justice

Great Client Experience

“Nathan Roughton: a tenacious lawyer!”

— Samuel Jacobs - Barrister - (Doughty Street Chambers) London

Samuel Jacobs of Counsel

“I was a friend and carer for an elderly gentleman. He passed away. He hadn't seen his relatives for years. When he died, they started to intimidate and threaten me at our home. This was hours after he'd passed away. I contacted Nathan. He reassured me and was thoughtful as I was grieving. Nathan was amazing and a master in his work. He makes things happen and won't be intimated. He won our case in just over a year. His knowledge and expertise is a sure winner. Thank you Nathan.”

— CW (Saltburn-by-the-Sea)


“Let us be clear: shutting the door of the court to our Mrs Smith is a denial of justice to their sons and daughters who served this country. Who benefits from such a bar? Certainly not serving men and women or their families... I say that especially given that the Government have announced that they will not proceed with plans to introduce a new combat compensation scheme for Armed Forces personnel and veterans, pursuant to the Better Combat Compensation consultation.” 

— Lord Hendy KC (House of Lords: Mentions in Debate: Hansard 2021)


As if divorce isn’t stressful enough my family lawyer left my case hanging high and dry after taking huge fees off me. Even though I’m all the way over in Perth, Western Australia - Nathan still managed to swiftly resolve the misconduct and lack of client care I had suffered - with a perfect end result and no more legal fees for me to pay!

- JN (Perth)

“ Will not let his clients be bullied. Will not be bullied himself. A good man.” 

— GB (Saltburn-by-the-Sea) 


"Nathan gave informed and well-reasoned advice that led to a better negotiation and outcome."

— Dr JB (Jesmond)

Invaluable and free advice. No doubt we shall be in touch again when we need help.

- GS (Saltburn-by-the Sea)


“Military personnel on overseas operations need to know that they—and, if they die, their mums, dads and children—can make a claim against the MoD, if it turns out to be at fault. They should not be subject to hurdles to which other claimants are not subject.”

— Lord Hendy KC (House of Lords: Mentions in Debate: Hansard 2021)


“ Our family cannot thank Nathan enough for what he did for us all.“ 

— KT (Glasgow)


“I fought my case over 12 years in the High Court. My son’s right to life was everything. Nathan never gave up on us. We always found a way to keep going against the government. We won and thanks to his firm. Nathan is an amazing solicitor.”

— BC (Bournemouth)


“A hugely impressive understanding of complex issues of international human rights law.” 

— Professor Robert McCorquodale (Nottingham)


“Always professional. Always the best advice. I had served the government well. I was treated differently and very badly. My family suffered terribly. Nathan and his team brought a legal test case in the High Court. We settled and against all the odds. It was amazing to do that.”

— JP (London)


“ I am forever thankful to Nathan and his firm. My son and I enjoy a new life. Nathan and his team were so good.”

— IS (Leatherhead)


“ Nathan is the best lawyer I have ever worked with.”

— SE (Wynyard)


“I would always instruct Nathan. He is brilliant at what he does”  

— KH (Birmingham)


“A pleasure to work with a lawyer of Nathan’s ability and integrity.”

— LG (Seattle USA) 


“Nathan was the perfect partner for the YSC Project. His unique ability to handle all issues of legality, funding and council matters whilst also having great creative direction was invaluable. A brilliant man to whom I'm very grateful.”

— Lewis Power (Newcastle)


“ Nathan has a background of working for national firms. Client care is very important to him and his firm.”

— RP (Manchester)


Creative and innovation projects we are involved with. An environmental focus.

YSC Project

We never promise success. We do guarantee our best at all times.

#wehelp #wewin

Please feel free to get in touch.